Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Fun Hats for a Cute Baby

Mama Char had a few plain hats for Miss Maizie that she asked me to spruce up. . . .
Maizie loved how the hats turned out, can't you tell?!
A flitting butterfly on the yellow cap. . .
A green flower with a heart center for the pink hat,
I added her initials on the side in the dark pink
(because, let's be honest, I ran out of space to stitch her whole name). . . Pretty in Pink!
A fun colorful border for the green hat!
She is such a cutie and it's a lot of fun to make these little gifts for her,
we'll see if I can knit something worth admitting to in the near future!


Bethany Raelene said...

How fun! I love the little details!

Shana said...

So cute! What a great idea!

KatieB said...

Mari! What a great idea! We've got a new baby girl coming soon over here...might need to find a package of plain hats to embellish. Looks like you're having fun!