Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Congrats to Brad and Char Weeda!

Sorry for the lag in postings, but there's been a lot going on over here in Portland!

Our good friends (and neighbors) Brad and Charlotte Weeda just had a baby girl!

Maizie Ella Weeda
born: Tuesday, December 8, 2009
6:26 p.m.

Here is the note that proud Daddy Weeda sent:

Here is the new little girl just after her first bath and the family photo just after the birth.
She was born at OHSU hospital in Portland at 6:26 pm PT on Dec 8 and was 9 lbs 1.3 oz and 22 inches. Hopefully she holds no grudges since everyone was ruling boy during the labor and right up to delivery where her daddy initially pronounced her a boy....whoops.

They are home now and getting settled together as a new little family.

Congrats Brad and Char, you have a beautiful daughter and we can't wait to watch her grow up!

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