Saturday, January 2, 2016

Happy New Year!

It was so awesome to be able to spend the holidays with Bradley and Rocio - and to end it at home, with a quiet New Year celebration that included some Peruvian traditions, was perfect.

We were released early from work on New Year's Eve day, which was nice. I brought home fondu from Gustavs for a mid afternoon snack and Mom splurged and spoiled us all with a sushi take out dinner later that night!
We celebrated at 9pst - so little Miss (and who are we kidding, her parents too) could get to bed at a decent hour.

Rocio (and Brad and mom) had thoughtfully put together some fun Peruvian traditions - just before 9pm, Rocio passed out little wrapped packages to us all. NEW YELLOW UNDIES!
Yellow being the color of prosperity, and undies, for who knows why - but the idea being you put on your new yellow undies before the new year hits so that you start the year, and hopfully continue, in prosperity!
The boys were gifted Batman undies - HILARIOUS!
Iris loved her yellow princess undies.

So wearing our new undies, Rocio and mom then handed out a handful of lentils to each of us. To put in our pocket. To carry into the new year. Again, to symbolize wealth and prosperity.
With lentils in our pockets - or in my case - my bra, since I wasn't wearing pants with pockets - Rocio then handed out 12 grapes to each of us.

12 grapes - one for each month of the new year. With each grape you ate, you were to make a wish. Twelve wishes for a happy, healthy, and yes, prosperous new year!
Iris was so cute, with her eyes closed, popping her grapes in her mouth - (possibly) wishing right along with the rest of us.

Needless to say, there were a few Peruvian New Year traditions that we didn't partake it - burning dolls made out of old clothes in the middle of the street, and that sort of thing. But it was fun to share a few of these traditions with Rocio and to hear about her memories growing up in Peru.

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