Monday, June 30, 2014

Iris @ 19 months!

This girl of ours, she is stinking cute!

*This girl is obsessed with "Baa Baa Black Sheep," which has quickly become my least favorite nursery rhyme.
* The Nose Frida - I can't believe I returned the first one that we received as a gift at one of her baby showers, this thing is magic! I'm convinced it once of the reasons we've been getting some better sleep this last week or so.

* The doctor's office. Like WHOA. We've been a couple of times trying to sort out the allergy issues, and she absolutely. freaks. out.
* The Nose Frida - usually we can make a game out of it, she calls it the snot sucker, and we hunt for realllly beeeeg boogies. But when she's not in the mood for the game, we are not getting to that nose.

*Loves corn on the cob!!
*sauce - the Joyce side of her is showing
*Shave Ice!!
* honey greek yogurt
*Candy - oops! Looks like she has her mama's sweet tooth!

Sleeping/General Schedule:
* It seems little miss has gotten some better sleep this last week or so. I'm not sure what to credit it to: growth spurt, humidifier, nose frida, lavender on the soles of her feet before bed, etc. / all of the above? Either way, whenever mommy and daddy get a little more sleep than usual, we don't complain, we go with it!
* She appears to be fighting sleep less and less. Like she finally understands that she feels good when she sleeps, and she'll wake up and be able to play more, play harder after the sleep. Whatever it is, I hope it keeps up.
* She also asks for her "bed" when she feels herself getting tired in my arms. I do less holding and rocking, but I do a lot of back patting and humming once she's in her crib.

Motor Skills:
*She's mastered going down the front steps by herself.
*Likes standing on top of things: mom, mom's foot, a pile of books on the floor, etc
* We're working on unzipping, unbuttoning, general helping with the diaper and dressing process(legs up/legs down, etc).
* At home, we're getting away from the water bottles and drinking water, with two hand, and slowly from her big girl cups.
* She's actually starting to get some air under both feet when she "hops."
 * We're working on climbing up ladders, like the ones to slides at the playground.

*The tears are flowing a lot more quickly these days. Little miss is becoming quite a sensitive little thing.
* Tears lead to tantrums, of which mommy and daddy are not fans.
* We hear a lot of, "Mommy do it" and "Daddy do it" when she needs help or doesn't want to do something herself.
* We are really working on our pleases and thank yous!
* She's super aware of when she goes potty in her diaper, and also announces her "soggywoogy" diaper when she's wet, and her "poo" when she's dirty.
* Doesn't like anyone looking at her when she's pooing, who does really, but she let's us know as soon as she's done.
* Still doesn't let us set her on the toilet. We're not going to push potty training, but I think her general interest warrants the purchase of a little toilet just in case.
* She has a "potty book" and is looking forward to "superman undies" when she's a big girl, just like the baby in the book.
* She seems amused to be able to differentiate between "willy huuuuuuge" and "teeenytiny."
* I catch her singing to herself or talking to herself (imaginary play?) much more frequently these days. Her "singing" voice is the cutest and she has a particular "singing face" - I need to get a video!

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