Tuesday, December 15, 2009

'Tis the Season

::Decorating the house with lights and baubles::
::Cute little boys with bells on their bellies::
::Lots and lots of knitting::
Wickey is a good helper.
::Tying the perfect bow::
No tree for us, but there's a corner table overflowing with goodies to be handed out!
::sister sister::
::Decorating the tree at Grammy and Papa's::
::Piles of Christmas cheer waiting to be mailed out::
:: Be Merry Friends! ::


Shana said...

Looks like you are all ready for the holidays!! :) I still feel like I have SOOOO much to do! :)

Sandra Ramey said...

I love this posting cause I love holiday cheer too! Cute presents! Isn't the wrapping most of the fun??