Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Crafting - A Little Here and A Little There

You weren't hoping to see FINISHED projects were you?!?!

In Progress #1: KNITTING A HAT
This pile of purple is a LATE birthday present for a dear friend,
but it is my FIRST hat, (although my SECOND attempt), so cut me some slack!

In Progress #2: HAT HANGER
A trip to the local hardware store for some decorative chain link :: some ribbon from the ribbon stash ::

Then take all those hats you have lying around everywhere
(the majority of these being Brian's)

Use your handy picture rail or other mode of hanging the chain. . .

To hold the hats, right now I'm just using binder clips that I've fastened to the chain, but I'm in search of other ideas, maybe I'll decorate some clips like this, or I wonder if clothespins would work, maybe something fun like this, if they're strong enough? Hmmm, fun idea to build on!

Old dusty coffee tins that we've been saving up

We carefully removed the pretty labels off each tin
Cut them all nice and pretty and square

Frames from IKEA and BAM!!
Soon we're going to have some snazzy decor for in the kitchen!

In Progress #4: BOOK or PHOTO ALBUM (COVERS)
Hardware cloth from Home Depot, cut to the desired size
(don't worry, you don't have to know what hardware cloth is,
just ask someone at the hardware store and they'll direct you)

Piles of fun yarn and fabric and string

Be patient while you weave the fabric and yarn
horizontally AND vertically until your wire frame is covered

Now I have the covers to my commemorative album for Wickey girl finished! Just have to find a way to bind them to my scrapping pages. . . I think I have something in mind. . .
There are a few other ideas I'm itching to start but stay tuned. . .
I might actually finish one or two of these projects soon!


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