Tuesday, January 26, 2010

It’s as if today I have awoken out of a deep, deep slumber! Maybe it was a few nights sleep with the aid of NyQuil that has beat this cold that I’ve had and gotten me back to feeling like my old self, or maybe I had the January blues like my friend Cassie has described so well in her post here. . . Whatever is was, I’m done with it!

Looking back through this last month, the new year has brought some quiet ponderings in the McDonald household. It seems like there wasn’t much happiness floating around, a lot of heavy, serious stuff close by- and we obviously were affected.

We completed our fireplace (and are more than ENJOYING the results), and now that we’re done with that, we’ve found ourselves in between house projects and with some extra time, which we’ve been spending home alone, enjoying each other’s quiet company and keeping our schedule simple. We are also cherishing time with Wickey Dawg. Sad news regarding Wickey (and definitely a large contributor to our moodiness), Miss Wickey’s cancer is back with a vengence and she appears to be losing the battle these last few weeks. We are sad that she hasn’t been part of our family for very long (not even a year), but we sure will continue to love her as long as she is with us! That, combined with other personal battles and battles being fought by those who are close to us, it’s just been a downer of a month.

Well, like I said, I’m done with that! I’m over my cold, I’m well rested and I’m ready for the rest of the year and the goodness that is waiting in the days ahead! My husband and I will enjoy time with our puppy while we have her :: we’ll plan trips together :: we’ll plot out more projects for the house :: In anticipation of Spring we’ll pick out seeds to plant in the backyard garden :: I’ll craft and Brian will create in his shop :: we’ll plan meals and parties with friends :: We’ll make progress and do it with a smile!!

We don’t want to take away from keeping things simple this year, but stagnancy isn’t healthy – It feels good to be making lists again and I love feeling that sense of accomplishment as the items get completed and crossed off.

Press Onward Friends!


Lisa said...

Keep up the good thinking, sounds like it's helping! Sorry about your dog, we lost our Charlie in August (he'd been mine since Oregon before I got married), and it took awhile to get used to looking out the window and not seeing him there. (I didn't realize how much I did that!!) Best wishes, love you!

Cassie said...

Been missing your voice. Sending lots of love and happy thoughts your way.

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about Wickey - dogs are such a good part of the family. Hang in there!

Lisa said...

Mari, I happened to check my old blog today and found your comment. In case you're ever bored, it's: