Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Fighting Like Cats and Dogs

Last night (Tuesday), we drove into Newberg to watch the Blazer game at dad's house and have pizza with Brad. Nothing too monumental in that (except that the Blazers had to win to push Houston to another game)!Well we brought Wickey dawg with us, which we've done before. . . thing is, Dad has a cat at his house (Shelby) -- things go just fine as long as Shelby stays in her bedroom while Wickey is visiting. Well, last night Shelby came out to say Hi and Wickey got a little too excited and wanted to "play" with the kitty. In the middle of all the excitement, Grandma took a tumble and bumped into the kitchen cabinets with her shoulder.
Long story short: Grandma broke her collarbone and will have to be in an arm sling for a while.
We all felt so horrible, as you usually do when something completely preventable happens. Luckily, Grandma is a trooper and is in good spirits!
We love you Grandma, and hope you're up-to-snuff very soon!  
Wickey hopes you like the flowers she sent you!

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